БУДЬ/BE is a mentoring program designed to help Ukrainian women to get a job in IT and creative industries
Mentors and experts from the best Ukrainian and global companies support women in their job search.
БУДЬ/BE platform is implemented by the INSCIENCE organization, dedicated to promoting science and evidence-based medicine in Ukraine, in collaboration with the Digitizing.Space innovation agency.
БУДЬ/BE is a supportive assistant in professional development. Mentors work closely with each mentee, helping them in identifying and pursuing their career goals.The program is free for participants. 735 women successfully completed БУДЬ/BE program in 2022. They received invitations for employment or internships, experienced growth through high-quality educational courses, and became part of the welcoming community of program graduates.
БУДЬ/BE program is tailored just for you if you're ready to kickstart a new career in the IT or creative industries. If you are a beginner in a certain profession or a newcomer seeking valuable advice.