
women in science - a documentary series
about Ukrainian female scientists.

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a documentary series about Ukrainian female scientists.

The story revolves around Masha – a 15 years old girl who is in love with science and is at the point of deciding who she wants to be. Masha is our guide to the fascinating stories of four Ukrainian female scientists. Each story is a separate documentary video, and together they are combined into a documentary series.
In each video, Masha asks scientists about their research, discoveries, hobbies, challenges on their path in STEM spheres as women, and how they overcame them.

Masha is an embodiment of the new generation in need of role models to follow.
These four videos are a short road movie into the world of Ukrainian science: starting from neurobiology and research on the ocean's internal waves to work with large predators and observation of sea giants.

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PhD in Molecular Biomedicine. Vira studies brain development disorders using stem cells at the University of California, Berkeley (USA). Her work will help children with genetic brain diseases that cause frequent epilepsy.
PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, promoter of Mathematics, winner of the L'Oreal Award for Women in Science. Kateryna studies the internal waves of the ocean. She heads the section at the largest European geophysical conference in Vienna.
Zoologist, co-founder of Bila Skelia (White Rock) shelter for bears. Maryna studies large predators (wolves, bears) and is the chief zoologist at the Kyiv Zoo.
Marine biologist, research scientist, researcher at the National Antarctic Scientific Centre of Ukraine and Ukrainian Scientific Centre of Ecology of Sea. Oksana is the first woman to go on a winter expedition to the Akademik Vernadsky station over the last 20 years and spend 15 months there

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Organizational team

Аня Орєхова
Ania Orekhova
INSCIENCE co-founder, WOMEN IN SCIENCE project coordinator
Олена Скирта
Olena Skyrta
INSCIENCE co-founder
Алеся Болот
Alesia Bolot
project manager
Настя Красножон
Anastasiia Krasnozhon
communications manager
Марго Іванітська
Margaryta Ivanytska
communications manager
Анастасія Вишневська
Anastasiia Vyshnevska
project manager
Олександра Лозовик
Oleksandra Lozovyk
communications manager
Катерина Квятковська
Kateryna Kviatkovska
project manager
Таня Касьян
Tania Kasian
gender consultant

Film crew

Юля Кочетова
Yulia Kochetova
Христина Лизогуб
Hrystyna Lyzogub
Ксюша Виноградова
Ksenia Vynogradova
Location sound recordist
Дмитро Курилюк
Dmytro Kuryliuk
First assistant camera, focus puller

Supported by

General partner


INSCIENCE promotes science and increases its value for society, business and the state. Large-scale popular science conferences, interactive lectures in unusual locations, extracurricular educational programme for teenagers, scientific start-ups exhibitions, special media projects, scientific parties. INSCIENCE's activities cover many areas united by a common goal - to promote the value of science among a broad audience.